What the #HASHTAG? Using Hashtags on Facebook

Yes, you should be using hashtags on Facebook to reach a new audience with your Facebook Business Page Posts. This post includes what, why, how, and tips for participating in hashtag conversations.

This how-to video answers the following questions:

  • What is a hashtag?
  • How do I use a hashtag on Facebook?
  • Why Should I use a hashtag on Facebook?

Do you want to reach a new audience on Facebook?

Integrating hashtags in your Facebook page posts will help others to find your Facebook Business Page / Facebook Profile when they run a hashtag search.

You can participate in conversations as your page with other pages that are using hashtags within their posts.

You can participate in conversations as your profile within other individual’s profiles that are using hashtags within their public Facebook posts.

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5 Awesome Ways You Can Get More Speaking Opportunities: Social Media, Your Website, and More

LD I am a speaker

5 Ways to Use Your Website, Social Media and More to Get Speaking Opportunities

As a small business owner, I am a public speaker and speak professionally to meet new people and prospective clients. You have to let the world know you are a professional speaker, engaging, great at connecting with your audience, available and open to invitations to speak to a variety of groups and audiences.

I have been speaking since 2009 and couldn’t tell you how many times I have spoke about social media to groups, at conferences and more. I have been lucky because most of these opportunities have just come to me out of luck and great friends like you. Over the last 6 months, I have been proactive about watching others and learning from the strategies they use to get speaking opportunities.

Dedicated page on your website highlighting you as a public speaker.

  • On this speaker page include a short speaker bio, your digital headshot, presentation titles, testimonials from organizers and attendees. Make sure and include photos of you speaking to large crowds and closer up shots of you engaged with attendees afterwards. Include links to your long bio, speaker sheet, and speaker headshot for download.
  • If you have any audio or video of you speaking embed this on the page. Include a photo gallery on your speaker page of additional photos showing you in action, or link to your speaking album on social media.
  • Include the best way to contact you and email you with questions.

Ask for testimonials to share on your website and social media channels.

  • Follow up with organizers after the event and request a connection and testimonial on LinkedIn. Ask for permission to share on your website and other social media channels.
  • When attendees approach you afterward, shout out to you on social media or email you, ask them for a testimonial for your website and social media.
  • Offer a link-bank when requesting the testimonial to encourage a quick response to your request.

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13 Tips You Can Do TODAY to HELP Your Business and Your Life TOMORROW

13 Tips for Small Business Owners on Friday the 13th

13 Tips for Small Business Owners on Friday the 13thHere are 13 things we ALL can do today, Friday the 13th, tomorrow and every day thereafter to ensure success in our life and work as small business owners, entrepreneurs and solopreneurs.

I am not superstitious – I believe you have the opportunity every day to make decisions that will impact you, your life and business either negatively or positively.

I wake up and choose to make a positive difference everyday! Read More→

10 Tips to Manage Facebook Fatigue & Your Facebook Newsfeed


There are many ways you can mange Facebook Fatigue. The best way is to learn how to manage your Facebook Newsfeed, so you are seeing the updates from the people and pages you want to see. Make it easy to access them quickly and learn how to manage your time.

I had the opportunity to address some of this on The Texas Daily, a cable TV show. Here is the video in case you missed it:

10 Tips to Manage Facebook Fatigue & Your Facebook Newsfeed

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How is your MOTHER?

Yesterday was Mother’s Day and I thought writing something discussing mothers was only appropriate.

In today’s world, we have to be Likeable, Shareable, Tweetable, Pinable and +able.


M – Marketing is about your customers and how they connect with you and your business. You need to understand your market, how to market to them and the best way to get your marketing message across.

O – Opportunity for you to learn about your strategic partners, share their content and help them to market their business, so in return they help you market your business.

T – Timing is everything in marketing your opportunity. Understand when your client is online and establishments they frequent offline.

H – Hype is important in promoting your product / service.  Know what kind of messages, photos, etc engage your current and future customers. Use them to market your opportunity.

E – Effectiveness is how good of a job you doing at marketing, using your opportunities, timing your strategies and building the hype. Analyze this closely so you can evaluate what is working and change what isn’t working.

R – Repeat the above and finesse as necessary to gain results. Execute your marketing strategy for a minimum of two weeks and tweak as you go along to increase your opportunity for improvement.

How is your M O T H E R ?