Archive for Business

What Kind of Green Are You? Time to Pinch Yourself

What Kind of Green Are You? Time to Pinch YourselfSo when you think about the word “green” what do you immediately think of?

Ideally we want to all be the “growing” green, but to be in growth mode you need to leverage and consider each meaning of green.

Let’s explore how others use the word green, what it can mean and symbolize in your life and business.

5 References to Green

  1. Money“I need some green” or greenbacks
  2. Go – could mean go somewhere, move forward or get out of my way
  3. Growing – like trees grow when they are green, they are experiencing growth
  4. Greed – love of money, possessions, will sacrifice self or others to satisfy the need
  5. Sick“I am feeling green” meaning under the weather, not quite like themselves

Did that make you think about green in a new way? Now think about your business, the clients you serve or the company you work for and how green is important to each of those.

Ideally we want to all be the “growing” green, but to be in growth mode you need to leverage and consider each meaning of green. Read More→

4 Things You Should Do for Your Business During Dallas Startup Week & Every Week

Dallas Startup WeekBefore we talk about the 4 things you should do for your business during Dallas Startup week and every week, let’s talk about what Dallas Startup Week actually is about and why it was created.

Dallas Startup Week is a celebration of you – the entrepreneur aka business owner! It was started by entrepreneurs, organized and put together by entrepreneurs.

So WHY is Dallas Startup Week celebrating YOU this week?

You are still at it in spite of…

  • The days of doubts and second guessing your decisions
  • The periods of feast or famine when it comes to clients and income
  • Everyone in your family thinking you are a workaholic nut

You realize…

  • As an entrepreneurial minded business owner you need to always be working to develop the best next thing while continuing to focus on serving your current customers
  • 5 out of 10 businesses fail within the first 5 years and you are determined your business isn’t going to be one of those
  • To succeed as an entrepreneur you need moxie (and you have it)

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5 Awesome Ways You Can Get More Speaking Opportunities: Social Media, Your Website, and More

LD I am a speaker

5 Ways to Use Your Website, Social Media and More to Get Speaking Opportunities

As a small business owner, I am a public speaker and speak professionally to meet new people and prospective clients. You have to let the world know you are a professional speaker, engaging, great at connecting with your audience, available and open to invitations to speak to a variety of groups and audiences.

I have been speaking since 2009 and couldn’t tell you how many times I have spoke about social media to groups, at conferences and more. I have been lucky because most of these opportunities have just come to me out of luck and great friends like you. Over the last 6 months, I have been proactive about watching others and learning from the strategies they use to get speaking opportunities.

Dedicated page on your website highlighting you as a public speaker.

  • On this speaker page include a short speaker bio, your digital headshot, presentation titles, testimonials from organizers and attendees. Make sure and include photos of you speaking to large crowds and closer up shots of you engaged with attendees afterwards. Include links to your long bio, speaker sheet, and speaker headshot for download.
  • If you have any audio or video of you speaking embed this on the page. Include a photo gallery on your speaker page of additional photos showing you in action, or link to your speaking album on social media.
  • Include the best way to contact you and email you with questions.

Ask for testimonials to share on your website and social media channels.

  • Follow up with organizers after the event and request a connection and testimonial on LinkedIn. Ask for permission to share on your website and other social media channels.
  • When attendees approach you afterward, shout out to you on social media or email you, ask them for a testimonial for your website and social media.
  • Offer a link-bank when requesting the testimonial to encourage a quick response to your request.

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13 Tips You Can Do TODAY to HELP Your Business and Your Life TOMORROW

13 Tips for Small Business Owners on Friday the 13th

13 Tips for Small Business Owners on Friday the 13thHere are 13 things we ALL can do today, Friday the 13th, tomorrow and every day thereafter to ensure success in our life and work as small business owners, entrepreneurs and solopreneurs.

I am not superstitious – I believe you have the opportunity every day to make decisions that will impact you, your life and business either negatively or positively.

I wake up and choose to make a positive difference everyday! Read More→

Do You Love Yourself Enough?

How do you love yourself? Do you give yourself permission to seek training, education and resources to expand your knowledge base and online presence?

As a social media coach that has trained privately and in groups’ adults since 2009 on Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter, I’ve been told over and over how the style of my social media coaching, the patience and focus I extend to the participant during the training pays off in dividends. Unfortunately, many have spent countless hours in time, and often financial investment before they ask for help! Are you one of these individuals / small business owners?

So many adults in today’s world know they need to be online, but don’t give themselves a chance to learn before diving in full force. You wouldn’t jump in a lake without swimming lessons would you? What about skiing? Lessons for that too … right!

Often times, you dive in unprepared and become overwhelmed, discouraged and intimidated. You spend day after day using social networking sites, getting limited or no results and all they are getting is nowhere fast!

This is where loving yourself comes into play! You need to give yourself permission to not be perfect in everything. You worry about what other professionals think if you don’t have all the answers, so they don’t seek out the training, education, information and ask questions to help you succeed online.

You can’t be all things at all times – at least not without some training to get you started. Perhaps the investment isn’t monetary. It’s an investment of your time.

  • Reading blog posts is a great way to learn more about the power of social media. I recommend Social Media Examiner, Social Media Today, Windmill Networking and of course my own blog,, to get you started.  There are countless other ones out there that I love and read.
  • Google – use Google and search out your questions! Seriously, I use Google all the time and ask it questions like “HTML Code to change Link Color”. Google will come back with tons of references that I can review on how to complete this action.
  • Follow Other Social Media Influencers and see what they are doing online. I have to add here, realistically, you are not going to be one of these influencers anytime soon, just follow them and learn.  You will get ideas to incorporate into your social media strategy.
  • Seek out a Social Media Coach. This is where I come into play.  I teach individuals and small business owners step by step hands-on how to use and understand these social networking sites. The 1st part of each one of my trainings focuses on understanding what each aspect, link, word, etc. means to the individual / small business owner. To effectively use a social networking site, you need to understand what everything means and does – no assumptions! The 2nd piece of that is teaching them how to use the site for their purpose.

So do you LOVE YOURSELF enough to INVEST in yourself?

If you need some social media coaching and have decided to invest in yourself I can help you.

Your turn …. What steps are you taking / have taken in your business and online to expand your knowledge. What kind of training have you taken?

PS. Those that follow my blog know that stuff that happens in my day to day life is my inspiration … a friend (a guy – not a date, but kinda, maybe a date – if that’s possible) cancelled on me for tonight – Valentine’s Day of all days! He had a last minute business trip – duty calls – I guess! I must thank him since he inspired this blog post – he’ll remain anonymous at this point. I knew I wanted to write a Valentine’s Day post, but wasn’t quite sure how to spin it.  When he cancelled – I loved myself enough to tell him “Ok. Be safe” and move on. I didn’t spout off any tacky comments to guilt him. (Notice, I didn’t say I didn’t think any tacky comments! I came up with a few! LOL!) Hence, the title of this post, “Do You Love Yourself Enough”!