Archive for Green Business

What Kind of Green Are You? Time to Pinch Yourself

What Kind of Green Are You? Time to Pinch YourselfSo when you think about the word “green” what do you immediately think of?

Ideally we want to all be the “growing” green, but to be in growth mode you need to leverage and consider each meaning of green.

Let’s explore how others use the word green, what it can mean and symbolize in your life and business.

5 References to Green

  1. Money“I need some green” or greenbacks
  2. Go – could mean go somewhere, move forward or get out of my way
  3. Growing – like trees grow when they are green, they are experiencing growth
  4. Greed – love of money, possessions, will sacrifice self or others to satisfy the need
  5. Sick“I am feeling green” meaning under the weather, not quite like themselves

Did that make you think about green in a new way? Now think about your business, the clients you serve or the company you work for and how green is important to each of those.

Ideally we want to all be the “growing” green, but to be in growth mode you need to leverage and consider each meaning of green. Read More→